Sharing its kitchen with the Bistro 4 Saisons,
the Burger Pub offers a friendly atmosphere and comfort food.

Burger Pub

The hotel would not be what it is without its gourmet offerings at Bistro 4 Saisons.

Opining Hours

The aromas that emanate from it truly reach culinary summits. While it is based on French cuisine, the menu also has a distinctively Québécois flavour. The Chef loves mixing simplicity and refinement.

Considered one of the best dining establishments in the region, the Bistro serves dishes that fulfills the appetites of all who visit.


Tuesday Wine at Cost

All wine bottles on the card are at cost price!

see the wine card

logo_lapressecaBISTRO 4 SAISONS :

Au restaurant de l’Auberge 4 Saisons, ce n’est ni avant-gardiste ni branché, mais on y trouve tout ce qui compte, soit une cuisine bien faite, raffinée sans être chichi, réconfortante sans devenir costaude.

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